Restorative Services

Mild to moderately decayed areas of teeth can often be repaired with simple fillings. In this procedure a tooth-colored material is placed where decay has been removed, properly restoring the appearance and function of both baby and adult teeth. This process usually requires multiple detailed steps from preparing the clean tooth surface, to setting the material to a hardened state and then adjusting the bite contact of the final restoration. Sometimes these fillings blend in so well they can be hard to detect as the appearance is quite natural.
Broken and Chipped Teeth
Most children are very active when they play, and unexpected falls can lead to chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. We practice many types of restoration techniques such as dental crowns or bondings to restore the damaged tooth’s functionality while retaining a natural appearance for both baby and adult teeth. 
Dr. Johnson encourages kids to “wiggle out” their own baby teeth whenever possible, but there are occasional reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted or removed by the dentist. Reasons may include advanced decay, a dental infection or at the request of an orthodontist for orthodontic treatment of severe crowding. Dr. Johnson and his team perform tooth extractions almost daily, and it is typically a smooth and a simple process for children with an easy temperament.
Pulp and Crown
Occasionally, the nerve of a tooth may be affected by a significant injury or advanced decay and could require treatment in order to save the tooth and to preserve it long term. When this occurs, Dr. Johnson places a crown over the tooth after treating the nerve with a sedative medication in order to resolve pain or pathology and to preserve the tooth until its permanent replacement arrives.