Safe and Effective Sedation Services

Nitrous Oxide
Does your child suffer from mild dental anxiety? Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless, sweet-smelling blend of nitrous oxide and oxygen. As nitrous oxide is inhaled, it can produce a relaxed, giggly and happy feeling, allowing your child to relax while receiving treatment. Once the treatment is done, the reversal of the laughing gas is accomplished by breathing 100% oxygen for several minutes.  After a full reversal, there are no lasting effects of laughing gas. Nitrous oxide sedation dentistry is a safe option that is often used due to its low-risk effectiveness and quick-recovery benefits. This technique may help your child remain calm while receiving the dental care they need. For more information about nitrous oxide, click on the following helpful link from AAPD.

IV Sedation
Does your child suffer from more severe dental anxiety?
In very young children or older children that have had a scary experience in the past, it is sometimes necessary for kids to sleep more deeply or fully while their teeth are repaired. This is to protect their psyche and eliminate dental disease as quickly and effectively as possible. During treatment, Dr. Johnson works alongside a board-certified dental anesthesiologist who monitors your child the entire time he or she is under anesthesia. Following treatment, your child will remain in our care for a brief period and then be discharged into your care. For more information about general anesthesia, click on the following helpful link from AAPD.
We are available and ready to answer any questions you have regarding sedation techniques used at Pediatric Dentistry of Keller.